Regional Winner
supreme Grand CHAMPION



I.D. #:

Fletch, Mongoose, Deuce Goose
SBT 031510 031
March 15, 2010
Polydactyl on front feet.



Special Notes:

Wrangling strings, cords, belts, cables, hoses, anything that can be interpreted as a snake - hence his call sign.

Earned a best kitten award in his very first show and hasn't looked back.

He currently stands in position to be a regional winner and is the best Pixie Bob kitten in the world so far this show season.



Mongoose was given his nickname as a youngster when he was helping Ecko fix a window screen.  In the game, the piping became a snake, then a cobra, and Mongoose became a great cobra hunter.  He was given his registered name because he looks so much like his dad, SGC Blackfoot Agent Six.

Above is the photo on the front of our 2010 Christmas card.


Mongoose at 5 months and 3 months, above.  Below at 8 months, he plays on a scratching post made for us by one of our kitten buyers, Sean McGill.  Thanks for the absolutely stunning and beautiful post, Sean.

Below are photos of Mongoose at a TICA show in Arcadia, CA the day he turned 5 months old.  Kim Tomlin is judging him just before she finaled him.


Kitti Ruttan, above, and Hisako Yamada, below, both awarded him finals as well.

Mongoose now belongs to TICA judge, Carol Barton.  She wanted a Pixie Bob kitten from us because, she said, she always liked the looks of our cats and they were always easy to handle when she judged them.  When she came to our home and Mongoose walked into the room, Carol literally gasped.  She loves his look, and he really took to her husband, Darrel, immediately.  She is now showing Fletch, as they call him, as an alter, and her husband is eager to claim an Agent of his own.

Look at the sweet face on this photo of Mongoose at 3 months.


Here are some baby pictures of Mongoose, his brother and his sister.  Above, they are 3 weeks old.   Mongoose is in the rear on the right.  Below, he is to the far left in this photo of the kids at one week old.

Mongoose's father is SGC Blackfoot Agent Six (left) and his mother is Special Agent Von Jobi (right).


See Fletch's pedigree by clicking here.

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