SBV 100708 033   Brown Spotted Tabby   Straight Foot   6" Tail

 RW SGC Special Agent Sniper
 International Best of Breed
 02T 032703 010 - Poly, 2" tail
 SGC Blackfoot Agent Six
 SBT 051598 039 - Poly, 4" tail
 DGC Rockyfalls Sir Paws Alot
 SBT 010497 018 - Poly, 3" tail
 QGC StoneIsland Saks Fifth Avemew
 SBT 011794 007 - Mitten, 4" tail
 StoneIsland Devlin
 02T 052589 018 - Poly, Long tail
 StoneIsland Cricket
03T 062992 030 - SF, 1" tail
 Yakataz Esha Unahoy
03T 021195 029 - Poly, 3" tail
 Freddy Cougar Mellow Cat
02T 022 193 016 - Poly, 3" tail
 StoneIsland Wilma
02T 022193 016 - Long tail
 Shybear Katcheena Kahtay
C0T 020897 012 - SF 1.5" tail
 Antonio Vivaldi
B3T 011796 004
 Sasquatch Prince
02T 310193 026
 Bailey's Irish Creme
AOT 062092 039 Br Classic Tab
 Leejo's Tiger by the Tail
COT 040196 007 - LH
 StoneIsland's Vido Bandido
03T 040991 024
 Stillwater Squeaky
B3T 100992 010
 Agent Baycha
 01T - SF,  3" tail
 RW SGC Special Agent Incognito
International 2nd Best of Breed
 03T 051506 002 - Poly, 4.5" tail
 RW SGC Special Agent Reconnaissance
 International Best of Breed
SBV 062705 004 - Poly, 4" tail
 Pixiepaw Nahaeta
SBV 011199 019 - SF, 1.5" tai
 CH Pixiepaw's Wolf
SBV 030296 015
 LA SGC Nativeson's El Gato de Oro
 03T 062295 004 - Poly, 2" tail
 Stoneisland Poly Sue 02T 100791 015, Poly, Riser
 Pixiepaw Blossom
SBV 061297 003
 Stoneisland Saks Lionheart
 Stoneisland Russet Gem
 Special Agent Lexie Con
 03T - Poly, 2.5" tail
 RW SGC Special Agent Sniper
02T 032403 - Poly, 2.5" tail
 SGC Blackfoot Agent Six
 SBT 051598 039 - Poly, 4" tail
 Agent Baycha
 01T - SF,  3" tail
 Special Agent Iya
 C0T - SF, 1" tail
 CH Forestden Kramer
 03T 062100 022, SF 2" tail
 Redriverbobis Agent Chaz
B3T 100992 010 - SF, Br Classic Tab, riser
 RW SGC Special Agent Going Solo
 International 2nd Best of Breed
02T 011205 008 - Poly, 4" tail
 Secret Agent Canyon
01T 083002 5" tail
 RW SGC Special Agent Legend
 International Best of Breed
 02T 032702 002 - Poly, 3" tail
 SGC Blackfoot Agent Six
 SBT 051598 039 - Poly, 4" tail
 DGC Rockyfalls Sir Paws Alot
 SBT 010497 018 - Poly, 3" tail
 Shybear Katcheena Kahtay
C0T 020897 012 - SF 1.5" tail
 Agent Baycha
 01T - SF,  3" tail

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