Though our training is exhausting, it's thorough.
There are several
ANIMAL POISON HOTLINES. Most are staffed with knowledgeable
professionals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You should have a
number available before you need it. Most hotlines charge per
case, so have a credit card available when you call. You don't
want to waste precious minutes when your pets life is in the balance.
Here is a number you might keep on file. Poison Emergencies 1-888-426-4435. *
Make sure to keep you trash can lids closed, even where you work. Too many animals are crushed after getting into open containers. * Cats cannot survive on a
vegetarian diet. * 20 Mule Team Borax laundry booster sprinkled on you carpet will freshen it and kill fleas. It's gentle for people with allergies too.
Vacuum after a few hours. * Hydrogen Peroxide can kill many pet odors. * It's dangerous to use over the counter, topical flea treatments. They contain
`insecticides that can kill your cat. Ask your veterinarian for a safe product. * Cats love to sleep on quilt batting or faux sheepskin, available at any fabric store. It makes a great travel padding too, as it won't absorb moisture and they can hide under it if they want. * If it is necessary to medicate your cat, many times the pill can be crushed and mixed with baby food meats. They truly love these human baby foods. *
If you are desperate to get a kitten milk formula after the pet store
has closed, you can use equal parts water and a can of evaporated milk
mixed with with a 2.5 ounce jar of lamb, turkey or chicken stage two
human baby food.

If you train hard, and stay on your toes, your little Agent can sleep easy.
a list of harmful plants, foods, and other hazards, please click here to
visit our Agency Safety Training page
If your cat gets out, put his litter box outside to bring him home. It's smell is unique and familiar. * Never give your cat aspirin, Tylenol, alcohol or penicillin. A common allergic reaction is often fatal. * Be very careful with holiday decorations. Angel hair and tinsel can destroy your pets intestines, as can poultry string, yarn, dental floss and thread. * Be careful when using Lysol and Pinesol around cats as they can be fatal. * Never give your cat onions as they cause certain mineral levels in their blood to spike to dangerous levels.. * When your cat is declawed, the last digit of the toe is amputated with a nail cutter. Save your pet this pain by patiently teaching them to allow you to
trim his nails. * Teaching your cat to get into a carrier can save his life. Treat him with baby food (stage one meats, like lamb or turkey, work great), or taking him to a safe recreational spot, like an outdoor enclosure, can make them come running when they hear the carrier gate open. Also, if you leave the carrier open so they can sleep or play in it, they feel it is a safe haven.

Be on watch for ways to protect your feline.
More Holiday Tips
can be tied, or zip tied, to the tree to keep your animals from knocking
them off. *Fiber
optics can add light to your decorations without adding electrical
wires. For more Holiday
Tips, click here to go to our Agency Safety Training page!